Saturday, July 6, 2013

What a Summer So Far! - Recap of June 2013

We've been extremely busy this summer.  We were out of school for a week before the other local schools got out for summer vacation this year.  Which meant that recital was pushed back a week.  Our summer doesn't offically start until after recital because it's a week worth of preparing.  Well, for me, as the mom, it takes longer to prepare because I have to get all the costumes ready and organize or schedule, etc.  We love recital, but man is it a long week.  Here's our 2012-2013 recital in pictures:

My camera on my phone doesn't like the lighting in the auditorium.  My goal for next year is to have a better camera so that I can take better pictures.  We had dress rehearsal for 2 days this year.  A first for us because Katie was in 3 numbers.  Kinsley was only in one, thank goodness.  Next year, however, it will be CRAZY!  Katie will be in ballet, tap, jazz, clogging, and hip hop.  Kinsley will be in ballet and tap.  I'm going to need a personal assistant.

 Katie's ballet costume.

 Kinsley's sassy little pose in her ballet costume.

My sweet babies in their first recital together.

Kinsley received a gift from one of her friends.

 I love that face.

Posing with daddy.


Jazz - she rocked this number!

 My parents, siblings, and all of their spouses on Father's Day.  It was a very hard day.  I hate seeing my daddy and step mom so turn up.  We got daddy that large metal poster for Dustin's memory garden.  It turned out great.

Me and my daddy.  I love this man more than words can express.
We always start our summer bucket list after recital.  They couldn't wait to choose something fun to do.

 Having a fashion show.

Playing at an idoor playground.

We got to spend the day with my niece, Britton.  She is so stinkin' cute. 
Her and Kinsley danced for a very long time together. 
The weekend after recital we spent the entire weekend at my dad's house.  My dad works offshore, and my stepmother doesn't like to be alone, so we stayed with her to keep her company.  Playing with our cousins is so much fun.

Cheyenne is the oldest of them all.  She kept them entertained.  Kinsley loves Cheyenne so much.
Bucket List Wednesday again and this time, Daddy joined us. 
We spent the day at the park and had a picnic. 
We showed them how to roll down the hill like we used to do when we were kids.
We took a walk down to the river.
Playing at the park.
After the park, we went out for snocones.  They were refreshing.
After snocones, we stopped by the library.  They were worn out at this point.  We immediately went home and took a nap.  We still had stuff to do.  Later that evening, we met Paw Paw Dave at IHop where we ate breakfast for dinner.  Kinsley PIGGED out.  After IHop (Katie calls it Hop), we went to the movies to watch Monster's University.  Cute movie.  Kinsley pigged out on popcorn.
The next day we went to my dad's to visit him since he had training and would be gone for the weekend.  Kinsley threw up in the car on the way there.  She was fine after she threw up.  I'm sure it was because of the amount of food she ate the night before.

Playing dress up and having their own recital.
Last Sunday, after church, we went to my mom's house to swim in her pool.  It was so relaxing.  Katie finally put her head under the water.  We had a proud moment.
Being silly at Maw Maw's while waiting for dinner.

That's June in a nutshell.  Busy, busy month for us.  July is going to be even busier:  4th of July, our family vacation, and Kinsley's birthday!

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